Bella side udder 4 days fresh |
NC Promisedland Z Bella, huge as she was, only kidded with one single doeling. I was certain, as were quite a few other people, that she was going to have a minimum of triplets as huge as she was, but no! To our surprise, she only had one girl and then actually regained her girlish figure immediately afterwards. She could still fit in her bikini if she wanted! Yes, I checked; there were no more hiding in there somewhere, and no, she could not have had them anywhere else with one or two evading my sight. She was penned, so it's one baby girl--no more.
Her name is On Firestone Creek SB Bonita (On Firestone Creek UP Sonic Boom *S X NC Promisedland Z Bella); that means "pretty" to anyone who does not have a background in Spanish. I'm sorry to everyone who was on the waiting list, but Bonita is retained. If you want, I can put in a request for more kids next time, but I am not sure she will comply. All I can say is that Bonita is adorable with a great personality, and Bella's udder is very nice for a first freshener, giving me almost 2.5 cups of milk a day while also nursing Bonita, so I am satisfied. Oddly, I actually wanted a buck out of this breeding, but I will take what I got and smile about it. How Bella went from all baby belly to nada, I will never figure out, but it's all good--regardless. I like what I found in the package when it was opened even if it was quite a surprise! Bella's udder has good attachments and seems strong in all of the other areas, too. She is easy to milk, and I may just put her back in the show ring this fall.
Bella and Bonita |
On Firestone Creek R Hazel Nut |
Milked out in this photo |
I have decided to sell Chapilene's mom, Hazel Nut, due to her small size. She has a decent size udder for a first freshener, but I have decided not to milk her because Chap is so small. I know some people like 'tiny' goats, and she is a small goat that produces small kids. On Monday, I took Chap, Butternut, and Pistachio to Third Street Veterinary Clinic in Siler City, NC, to be disbudded. Chap only weighed 2.5 lbs at 9 days of age while Butternut weighed almost 9 lbs at 2 weeks old. Big difference there! So On Firestone Creek R Hazel Nut is available for $350 in milk. She is small with nice length of body, dairy neck, sharp withers, good legs, wide escutcheon, and a nice udder (shown above) with good attachments and plumb teats. She would be a great addition as a pet (to a home with other goats) or to a zoo or park. She is super friendly and loves attention, and she is a good mom. *BONUS: Mention that you saw her on my blog, and I will give you a reduction in price. :)
In closing, I want to say congrats to Firestone Creek PAL Palisade who is doing quite well at Proctor Hill Farm. Her newest udder pics are taken--third freshening and three years old--and they are completely AWESOME!
I have to say I am definitely one proud mama of my Pali girl and waiting to see what future generations out of her will produce. I'm hoping she gets in the show ring soon and that she earns her star on test this year. From the looks of this udder, I don't think she'll have any problems! Both of her daughters ( here and at Run Joey Run farm) have similar looking udders on their first freshenings.
Palisade Photo courtesy Addie Pepoli |
Palindrome |
Next up to kid are Sunnee (Rosasharn cross) and Palindrome, who looks like she is going to pop soon with twins, maybe? Both are developing nice FF udders with plumb teats and good attachments. I have to say that I am very happy with the kids this year so far, including all of the does! Please see our for sale page because we do still have some does and doelings (bucks, too) for sale and possibly more in the future.
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