Monday, January 26, 2015

Lots of Fun! French Buns at Firestone Creek!

Firestone Creek now has French angora RABBITS!

I'm a creativity junkie. I love being creative. I've always had an interest in fiber arts, and a few months back, we were thinking about purchasing a couple of alpacas (and we might still do that). I've also always LOVED the angora rabbits--all of them. I'm two shoes in for anything "fluffy," most of the time. 

Instead of diving into a sea of alpacas, we decided to start small with a few French angoras, and we've been having so much fun with this fiber and all of the fluffy snuggles and kisses from these guys. We added 7 (2 males and 5 females) and lost one female within 2 days due to some illness, probably brought on by stress and bad nutrition from the previous owner. I treated everyone else with my herbal immune building formulation, began a new diet of high protein pellets, timothy, alfalfa, and crudities, and everyone else is fine and doing well. In fact, they are producing lots of fine hair and having babies! 

When we got these buns, they were matted and looking pretty rough. The lady actually admitted she had NEVER brushed them! I was in shock. As you can see in some of the photos, they do still have a few underbody mats, and two of the adults are moulting now, too. I've been working on the mats, but since it is winter, I don't want to begin shaving/clipping huge areas of hair away from their bodies, so I have to do it slowly--a little at a time. In the photo to the right, one of our males (Sebastian--middle) is visiting with two of the girls (one is hiding behind him). We also have a REW buck, but we bred Sebastian to everyone. So far, he was bred to our chocolate tort and produced two self blacks, two whites (not sure if they are BEW or REW because the eyes haven't opened yet), and one black tort (from what I can tell). He also bred our black tort and she delivered four little buns-- one that looks like it is a blue or lilac point, and the others are all blue/black torts.

It looks like we are going to have quite a few babies for sale, so we are now taking reservations. Currently, one of the self-blacks and most of the torts will be available for $45 each without papers. These will make wonderful little fiber fluffs to add some color to your fiber projects. The whites (whether blue eyed or red eyed) are also available as is the adult REW male we have. Since we are already getting REW out of our girls, we want to find him a good home. If interested, contact us via the farm site.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Goats Are Smart? Study Shows Animals Are Quick To Learn And Have ‘Excellent’ Long-Term Memories

Interesting, so I had to share! I always knew I had smart goat. No wonder they often seem stubborn. They make up their mind about something and stick to that decision. Smartypant goats!

Goats Are Smart? Study Shows Animals Are Quick To Learn And Have ‘Excellent’ Long-Term Memories

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

** I See Stars! **

Congrats are in order! :) These are the official numbers for 2014. Keep in mind I dried off a few early due to my carpal tunnel flaring up, but beyond that, everyone did really well, especially with me working and not always being able to milk on schedule as necessary. I had one doe that was .10 off from getting a star. If I would have realized she was that close, I would have kept milking her. Oh well... :( Everyone else got theirs! I am thrilled. :)

NC PromisedLand Z Bella 2*M (AGS pending)
D1518506       2*M       
PTA           34M    1F    1P       
DEV            0     0     0
PTA$                 4     4        
PTA%  11R 12/14   -.05   .00       
     4-00  271   840  5.4  45  4.0  34  101  20
  LIFE       271   840  5.4  45  4.0  34

On Firestone Creek P Palisade 2*M 5*D  (earned her Superior Genetics this year)
D1524330       2*M    SG PTI 37 -5
 03-04 89 VVEE
PTA           23M    2F    1P  -.20T
DEV          113     7     7
PTA$                 4     6     35R
PTA%  45R 12/14    .06   .03  11/14
     2-00   68   240  7.1  17  3.8   9   62  20
     3-01  208   580  5.3  31  4.1  24   95  20
     4-01  226   680  5.4  37  3.8  26   99  20
  LIFE       502  1500  5.7  85  3.9  59

On Firestone Creek H Jody Girl  1*M 1*D (pending)
Jody was doing really well this year. I think she might have a chance at breed leader for next year! This year, production dropped due to a move and my carpal tunnel. Milk machine is on order! 
D1541837       1*M       
PTA            5M    0F    1P       
DEV          113     0     8
PTA$                 0     3        
PTA%  21R 12/14   -.03   .06       
     4-01  266   910  4.4  40  4.4  40  -  20
  LIFE       266   910  4.4  40  4.4  40

On Firestone Creek R Minnie Me 3*M 6*D(pending)  Owned/Tested by John Bane  (Way to go, Minnie!)
D1571217       3*M       PTI 2 -11
 03-00 88 VVVE
PTA           11M    0F    1P  -.10T
DEV          -50    -5    -3
PTA$                 1     2     30R
PTA%  30R 12/14   -.02   .02  11/14
     2-08      296   730  5.2  38    4.4  32  102  20
     LIFE       296   730  5.2  38  4.4  32

On Firestone Creek R Palabra 3*M   (Sold) 
D1571221       3*M       
PTA           14M    1F    1P       
DEV          -24    -1    -3
PTA$                 2     3        
PTA%  30R 12/14    .01   .01       
     2-09      210   490  5.5  27  4.1    20   96  20
    LIFE       210   490  5.5  27  4.1  20

On Firestone Creek Sunnee Day will be earning her stars, too, but I don't have the official data yet. I will post it when I have it! :) 

By the way, congrats are in order to John Bane and Robin Tupper, who were in my group for testing. John (Run Joey Run) earned the following and is responsible for milking Jody Girl during the majority of her lactation, thus earning her her star:

  • On Firestone Creek R Minnie Me 3*M 6*D(pending)  (See above)

  • Congrats to Mia, who is a first freshener out of On Firestone Creek UP Sonic Boom *S and  ON FIRESTONE CREEK H JODY GIRL D1541837 1*M. 

RUN JOEY RUN SB MIA                   
D1644279       2*M       
 01-01 83 VVV+
PTA                            -.50T
PTA$                      26R
PTA%                          11/14
     0-09  289   500  5.6  28  4.0  20  -  20
  LIFE       289   500  5.6  28  4.0  20 

  • Congrats to Bayby...
PROCTOR HILL FARM BAYBY RUTH                   Pretty sure, Bayby should be a *M, too and the files just haven't updated yet.   She met                                                                            all amounts, I do believe.
D1625888                 PTI 9 -78
 02-01 85 +VE+
PTA           24M    2F    1P  -.70T
DEV           23    11    -1
PTA$                 5     5     29R
PTA%  28R 12/14    .09  -.01  11/14

Congrats to Robin Tupper, too, at Weeds 'n Whimsy farm. Her doe,ONE WILLOW BC LA LIGHT - D001680353 , also earned her stars. :) 

It was a good year--2014. Thanks, Robin and John, for participating, and I am looking forward to this year! 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sales -- doeling available

Chili Pepper

Minnie Me (left) Cocoa beside of her 
Cocoa first fresh only 4 hrs fill
at 2 weeks fresh
Hi, everyone. Our kidding season for 2014 ended in November with the birth of two doelings-- Chili Pepper and Cardamom-- out of Run Joey Run SB Cocoa Bean X Tonto's Barn Eric's Billionaire *S. This is a strong breeding (Thanks, John Bane!) on ARMCH Caesar's Villa CBS Stetson ++*S, tossing in some of our Superior Genetics here with Cocoa Bean being a daughter of On Firestone Creek R Minnie Me 3*M 6*D (Winner of Best Udder at Rocky Mt, NC show in May 2014), who is a daughter of our first SG doe, On Firestone Creek Palisade 2*M 5*D. Cocoa's father is On Firestone Creek UP Sonic Boom *S, a son of Rosasharn CH Uproar +*S, father/grandfather of several does in the top 10 for 2013 and also a son of the famous Rosasharn 2*M ARMCH Rosasharn's Uni 3*D'E' 91.55. 
SG Palisade 3rd fresh
In 2002, Uni was breed leader for milk production and protein. In 2003, she was breed leader again in both areas. She also broke the record for Nigerian milk production in 2003 with 1601# of milk in only 305 days. 
We owned Rosasharn CH Uproar a few years ago for this very reason along with the fact that he has an excellent, sweet demeanor, throws a huge percentage of does and offers correctness, especially toplines, along with nice udders. Sonic Boom's mother is October Hill Country Charm *M 4*D, mother of Palisade, so this is a linebreeding on those good, old lines, which include ARMCH Gay Mor's NB Narcissus 3*D AR 1679, a beautiful doe!

We have decided to retain Cardamom out of this breeding, not because she is nicer than Chili Pepper, but because I fell in love with the sweet little kisses she loves to give! Chili (left and right) is just as sweet, but Cardamom will run to me and climb me for some snuggles! Chili is right behind her, of course! Chili is for sale. Chili is a buckskin with white cap on head and tail. She has a little roaning on her ears, face, and nose. She also has white on her left shoulder (see photo to left) along with a few small silver moonspots on her side and leg. Her sister also has some silver and dark brown moonspots.
Zillionaire --courtesy Tonto's Barn
She is long, petite, standing on strong legs with good rear leg angulation as you can see in the pic above on the right. We are asking $400 for Chili. She is conformationally correct and has the potential to be a great milker. Her mom is currently on test. Due to my carpal tunnel, she will probably not earn her milk star this time, but she should on the next breeding.
Billionaire-- courtesy Bartman farm

Please note that we have lots of kids due for 2015. The kidding should start in about two weeks with some very promising kids on the way! Our first fresheners, Proctor Hill Farm CH Joy, a Rosasharn Challenger (now deceased) daughter and daughter of SG Palisade is due along with On Firestone Creek BP Palmella who has a gorgeous udder growing. I can't wait to get pics and start milking this girl! Her mom was On Firestone Creek Palindrome, a daughter of OMF Palamino *S and granddaughter of Rosasharn CH Uproar +*S.  This kidding is a linebreeding on:
Registered NameReg #%
ROSASHARN'S UNID0013202750.12
That list doesn't even include some others that aren't listed because the parents were AGS not ADGA. These go back to Kids Corral, more Rosasharn, Caesar's Villa, and more. Can you tell I am excited!!! :)

Check the Kidding Schedule on our website for more info. 

Kids out of first fresheners are usually $350 unless the kid (and parent) show extreme promise. Kids out of proven (stars, etc) does and bucks will range from $400 up. Most bucks are wethered unless arrangements are made prior to kidding or quickly thereafter. I do sell bucks out of first fresheners, occasionally, if there is a history of nice udder genetics on both sides of the family. 

We accept payments via PayPal, check/money order (must allow time to clear bank), or cash (in person). To hold a kid, the deposit required is $100 (non-refundable--see Sales Agreement at the bottom of the For Sale page of the website). Reservations on scheduled kiddings can be made via email: Please let me know which breeding you are interested in when emailing, along with what you are looking for. No deposit is required to reserve a kid/kids.

Deposits and other Payment Options
Contact me at

Please notify me in advance before sending money to PayPal. Be sure to include the 3.4% additional when you send monies through PayPal unless you send it under the 'gift' category.